Wednesday, March 31, 2010
With kids 12 months and 18 months, we suppose this is what life must be like living with twins. It has been anything but boring the last 10 days. LP is very attention-seeking and very possessive of toys which means whatever CO is playing with, she needs to play with at that exact moment. Fortunately, CO is very laid back and usually does not mind giving it up since he can grab something else (which, of course, LP will THEN want).
Health-wise, I have been doing pretty well the last few days, but Melinda is still very slowly recovering from all the chest congestion. She is now just coughing early in the morning and late at night.
Here is our routine:
5:30 I wake up, take a shower and get ready. I then clean up the kitchen and the kid’s playroom from the night before.
6:30 I wake up Melinda so she can get ready for the day BEFORE the kids get going.
7:10 LP wakes up and pulls and pushes on her bedroom door with the child-proof lock (sounding like she is slamming it). That is her way of letting us know she is up. She is usually very happy.
7:20 CO wakes up, gurgles and entertains himself for a few minutes. If we don't get him soon though, he starts yelling and crying loudly. Overall, he is very much a “happy head.”
7:30 I am trying to get out the door to get to school (which, fortunately, is 1.4 miles away). A month ago, I was arriving to school anywhere from 6:00 to 6:45 every day -- those days may be over. Today I made homemade strawberry juice (following the "Sneaky Chef" recipes) for later use, plus some eggs for all four of us to eat. I quickly ate mine and handed off the rest to Melinda to feed to the two munchkins now sitting at the table in booster chairs. They will have these eggs, some whole-grain, whole wheat toast, apple juice infused with blueberry juice (for their immune system, brain power, etc.) and fresh pear puree that I made two days ago. We are working very hard to create from scratch the vast majority of things they eat. I am totally against nitrates, added sodium, preservatives and overly-processed foods in general.
During the Day Melinda will do whatever she needs to do (today it was take the kids to the doctor - a major disaster from what I understand). She will also play with the kids in the playroom. The kids may take a nap sometime late in the morning (especially CO). There is usually some snack happening.
Lunchtime means chicken I recently grilled chopped up, maybe some fresh apple puree, green beans (flash frozen), possibly some Gerber rice or oatmeal with added fruit. Add in some blueberry milk and we got a meal.
Early afternoon might see a nap (especially if there was no morning one). Both kids are put down for this -- so this is the only time Melinda has all day (before nighttime bed) that she can get anything done.
When they wake up it is snack time again and then playing (unless they need to go somewhere).
When I get home around 4:15 to 5:15 we may play a little more then go for a 1.2 mile walk around the neighborhood. This will be replaced by some serious backyard swimming pool fun when the weather gets warmer.
Dinner is close to 6:00 with maybe pork chops, fruit chunks, some veggies and more juice.
Bath around 7:00 with both kids - always a laugh-riot!
7:30 they get into pajamas and may play another 30 minutes or they may be tired enough to proceed to bed.
8:00 to 8:30 we put them down for the night without too much of a problem.
8:30 - 9:00 we clean up some of the house, do a load of clothes, do dishes, etc.
Go to sleep promptly afterwards since we are so exhausted :-)
CO will wake up at 1:00 and 4:00 (give or take 30 minutes) and expect his 4 oz of warm milk and to be tucked back in. She will sleep through the night (thankfully)
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