Jingle Countdown

X and A Change Rooms
Today M and J also cleaned out a few outdated toys to take to Covenant Kids (for other girls and boys who need some toys) and A and X switched rooms permanently. To do that, we took down the crib that Christi ("Kiki") has loaned us, moved around the beds and most of the decorations. When we return from Christmas visits, we will pick up a chest of drawers that we loaned Tiffany (to go in X's new room) and tweak some other decorations.
Trofast Storage System
While Melinda started the major wrapping of the presents, Jack took X and A with him to Ikea to get the Trofast storage bin system mentioned several days ago. Unfortunately, they ran out of the storage bins that we really needed (14 1/2" high) to store the big sets of toys (like X's dinosaur collection), but we were able to get the 9" and 4" ones we also needed (for Hot Wheel cars, etc.). X and A played in the Smaland again while Jack bought and loaded it in the car, then Jack and the kids ate hot dogs and frozen yogurt as a treat in the Ikea bistro.

Upon return, Melinda continued wrapping and Jack assembled the two units. This storage system is what Melinda and Jack bought with Christmas money from Papa and Grandma. Thank you very much!
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